Loomis Chiropractic, P.A.

We provide chiropractic and applied kinesiology services to help increase your energy and vitality, including:

We provide chiropractic and applied kinesiology services to help increase your energy and vitality, including:

• Systemic Nutritional Muscle Testing
• Torque Release Technique (TRT)
• Koren Specific Technique (KST)

• Systemic Nutritional Muscle Testing
• Torque Release Technique (TRT)
• Koren Specific Technique (KST)

Our Goal

Help patients achieve their healthiest potential through optimized nerve energy flow and nutrition.

Help patients achieve their healthiest potential through optimized nerve energy flow
and nutrition.

Maintain your quality of life with care and treatment from a qualified professional.

Conditions we treat

Sports-related injuries
Automobile accidents and injuries
Sleep problems
Pain in neck and upper or lower back
Pain in arms and legs with numbness or tingling